Contact Us

We welcome all new members to Bromley Canoe Club.  We are a family friendly club who provide opportunities to try paddlesports in our warm swimming pool environment, open water lake and numerous rivers around the UK (and abroad).  To contact us, please complete the form below and a member of our committee will contact you as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about trying paddling for the first time, please select Ali Watson (our Vice Chair) and leave him a message.  Ali is a volunteer and will reply to your message as soon as he can.  If you are interested in taking out a membership with our club, please select Bridget Huggett.

If you have a Welfare Concern, please select Ed Sumner who will acknowledge your message.  

Club members – please can you select the appropriate person on the committee you wish to communicate with.  Please remember, we are all volunteers and may not be able to reply immediately.  We will also try to respond in a timely manner.


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Subject (required)

    Please Select a Recipient (required)

    Your Message

    Bromley Canoe Club will not use this information for any other reason than to answer your query. We won’t share your details any further.

    If you want to join our mailing list, please email
    You can read more about how we handle your information at